Learning AngularJS
Just finished a class on AngularJS. The title of the class was Developing Web Applications Using AngularJS. It was a four day class and the instructor was Brad Gillespie who was a very good instructor. Overall, I have to admit it was a pretty good class that provides an overview on the basics of using angularJS on the client side for web applications, which fit in perfectly for where we’re at with regards to our system.
We are currently in the process of remodeling our legacy Classic ASP web application into several .NET web applications. We’re using .NET WebApi 2.x for restful services and .NET/MVC 5 and angularJS for client side applications.
For the restful web services we’re breaking those into several applications by function, which at the moment is by main menu classification. We’ve created three client side applications, one for admin, education institutions, and educators.
For the end user, there is little difference in the appearance of the system. The menus, page headers and footers are the same as the original application. As we replace existing pages we’ll be able to remove them from the legacy application.
I estimate the remodeling or rewrite will take about seven years to complete when we consider enhancements, bug fixes and changes we’ll be required to make because of changes in state and federal laws.
This is a picture of the certificate that says I completed the class.